Let me tell you story
video 4,25 min /
The camera is static, faced to a wall. A hand apear-my hand, drawing off the handle of a child-singing- box to the very down of the skreen. The melody start. We see only the wall and the cord in very slow vertical motion. The sound take a important part. It is created by many tracks : the reiterated melody of the singing-box, in theforth, talking and laughing people, mecnanical sound of the box, birds in the back ground.
Let me tell you story ! The spectator is invited to listen/looking a story. He is involved in a kind of experiment, imperceptibly the viewer becom a colaborator. He start to reconstruct his own story. The melody repeat and repeat .
The handel is going to disppear on the up side of the screen. Only the wall left. The melody repeat one more time very, very slowly. The end.
Let me tell you story