type rea


1990 - 2011



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The Used Ones”,  installation 1994 (collective work with Valentin Stefanoff) “The Used Ones”,  installation 1994 (collective work with Valentin Stefanoff), Ancient Plovdiv, Bulgaria “I am the Best”, video installation,  Inner Space Multimedia,  Poznan, 2002 Radio emishion with Marina Grzinic and Valentin Stefanoff, Maribor, Slovenia, 2003 Cosmopolis1, Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art Thessalonique, Greece “39%“, Cosmopolis1, Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art Thessalonique, Greece presentatipn, universitiof Shangai, i2003 With Timm Ulrichs and Valentin Stefanoff (moderatot Gu Zhecunqing) presentatipn, Universitiof Strasburg, France, 2004 Vidéo Retrospectif, Maillon–Wacken, Strasbourg, France “Au-delà de ce qui est visible“,  MNAC, Bucharest, Roumunia “How near, so far“,  MNAC, Bucharest, Roumunia “The Stranger in us“,  Apollonia Centre d’Art Contemporain, Strasbourg, France	“Wet contact“,  National Museum,  Poznan, Poland Phases of Accumulation and Extraction in a Limited Space, Musée d’Art Modern et Contemporain, Strasbourg The 4th Biennale of Quebec, Qebec, Canada “Play for Two Hands and Black“,  2008, Li Space, Beijing, China Presentation, DA Fest, National Academy of Fine Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria presentation,  MoCA Taipei, Taiwan “Surplus Enjoyment“, MoCA Taipei, Taiwan, (catalogue)

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